AGMET Engineering Co. Ltd. has started its activity on the construction market in 1987.
As a construction company with a wide profile of activities, AGMET occupies itself with complex realizations, taking into consideration designing and technical advice on Investors request. AGMET Engineering Co. Ltd. employs very experienced engineers that have worked at the construction sites in Poland and abroad. We have a large equipment base.
About the company
Kompleksowo realizujemy każdy projekt
AGMET offers complex execution, in respect to the Investors demands, designing along with technical advice as well as construction of office buildings, factories, warehouses, housing estates, as well as shopping centers, showrooms and accompanying roads and car parks, together with necessary infrastructure, realizing thus with success projects throughout the country.
Obszary w których działamy
Obszary w których działamy
Bądźmy w kontakcie
Dane kontaktowe
Agmet Sp. z o. o.
03-228 Warszawa, ul. Marywilska 22
tel.: (22) 676 04 50
Dział Oferowania:
tel.: (22) 676 04 73
Sąd Rejonowy dla m. St. Warszawy
XIII Wydział Gospodarczy
nr KRS 0000121561